Saturday, 30 April 2011

Thursday 28th - Run through

On Thursday, We were in the theatre for an LX Plot... Which ran up to about 2 oclock...

After lighting, we went to wardrobe to get our costumes on for a run through which the ND's watched... We ran through half of the play and had a Q&A to find out what they thought of it..

Some of the audience did not understand where they were suppose to be at all times, most of them followed the suitecase.. but didn't know when to move.. During this run, we didn't have the AV screens, so the doctors were unable to move the audience with the screens...

They thought that we all needed work on Characterisation, and "own " the space alot more, as sometimes it got abit boring..

With all the scientfic text in the piece, some felt that we needed to really understand what it is we are saying, so that when we are speaking it, it makes sense to the audience.. Also work on pronunciation of some of the scientific termanology...

We need to make our relationships clearer.. as at the beginning of the piece, when people walk up to Henry as Jaccapo is speaking, it wasn't clear on how some of the characters reacted... However, we did not get through the whole play, so some characters were not introduced at all of introduced properly.

We also asked if the movement sequences during the piece took away the concentration of what was being said by other actors, for example, when Britt and I do the movement sequence when Ryan is speaking his little monologue... the audience said that it was not interferring with concentration, and they were still listening to what was being said.... They thought that the movemnt bits werereally nice, but sometimes didn't understany what they were suppose to be representing... As they haven't seen the whole piece, aome of these sequences  make sense alot later on..

The audience felt that we needed to believe in the piece for them to believe in it and enjoy it... as we went in there quite negative about how it was going to be, and  the audience sensed that... We told them that because we had been in th theatre all morining, it was a big change moving to a smaller space, and not having the set and the props which add to the piece alot...

They understood the story and liked what they saw, they want us to give it more omphhh and really believe and enjoy whatwe are doing...

After the run, we went back to costume to get the final alterations done on our costumes!!

Please add anything I have missed..

Ria :)

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