Hello all. There is a really interesting article about how freud likened memory to a magic slate. Not sure where it goes and if but some text about how metaphors have changed and they keep changing. But now we have the real thing to look at and digitise etc…..
Some ideas are that we write that (see notes) and also get the audience to use a magic slate as part of that piece. They might write down a memory. Then it wipes clean but you can still find it in the memory. Might we also link it to memories of buildings and so anticipate what happens in the bar afterwards??? And they can leave them behind with messages on them? (see picture below)
From the greeks onwards, we have been trying to find the right metaphor and analogy of how memory works. They said it was like a library, like an aviary, like a theatre, like a room, like a book, like a computer,
We are done with metaphors henry. We now want the real thing. Sliced, saved, shared, digitised. Parbola escrita… what is written stays and your brain might contain all the answers and all the questions. Each metaphor reflects the technology of the time
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