Hello people of the blogging world
We now have a script!!!!
The actors have managed to put a script together (with the help of Vanessa). I do believe copies of the script will be handed out this week to everyone involved.
Tom has managed to get in touch with Luke Dittrich and is now his best mate. Luke has agreed to look and the script and see if he can help out in anyway (what a lovely guy).
The next process for the actors will be to keep going through the various scenes and alter them slighty in order to improve them and make them interesting to watch . There are still lots of physical theatre elements that we would like to put in the piece that we have yet to devise so that will our next task. Then we will just keep running through the play using the various props and costumes when they become available
The costume and set both look pretty awesome in my opinion so very good work team. We shall try and make you proud when performing.
Rory Schoville
also, i would like to add that we are probably missing scenes too but should have a full script by the end of the week. scenes between luke and bette, bette and the doctors, suzanne and henry...