Tuesday, 5 April 2011

more script

Jason is building an old suitcase. It has a handle and when you turn it a model of a bicycle comes up and the wheels turn.
Imagine a scene where Henry, alone? Tells us about the suitcase. That it contains all his memories. That nothing more can go in it because he has stopped storing new ones. His mother, father, fishing trip, a girl. He takes things out and puts them back in because they are precious. Sometimes new things sneak in though they are not meant to. Finally he reveals the bicycle and so the reason that the suitcase if full.
Does he come and get us from the lecture to show us? Does he bring suitcase to us? Is that maybe when the new song happens?

I think we need to get overall structure and feel for the show before we decide whether tan/ phineas / korbinian need to feature more.
In the meantime, I would like to develop your modern doctor characters more.
Some ideas for scenes for you to think about;

Robbie or Robbie and Tyrone as modern doctors meeting Bette, explaining her story more and maybe going through procedures with her about what happens practically when she dies. That she will have to be frozen……

Taz, more on Phineas but maybe before we meet him. Or after? The ethics of studying the broken brain, the assumptions we make? How the doctors own the patients that they find……. How personality resides in the brain or memory or the spirit????

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