Wednesday 9 February 2011

Trying To Remember Memories Using Visual Indicators

Our piece focussed on how a visual indicator such as an item of clothing could be used to try and uncover memories from a person past. The performance looked at how a person suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer's would react by being shown a sentimental piece of clothing from thier past.

The group felt that the piece could possibly be involved in the final performanace if it were adapted and made more medical and scientific. Far more research into Alzheimer's would need to be used if the performance were to be beliveable and realistic for the audience. Also a far wider variety of outfits to show patients would be helpful as different clothes may uncover different memories. We unfortunately couldnt make more outfits due to lack of time and available materials.

The overall reaction for the piece was fairly positive. The audeince liked the idea that the Alzheimers patient had their back to them as it created a tense atmosphere. The lack of audience participation was also uselful as it created the effect that the people viewing  were just flies on the wall and that the patient was unaware of their presence therfore making it very intimate and intense.

Rory, Emma and April

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