Wednesday 9 February 2011

Flashbulb memory performance and Evaluation

Flashbuble memory

We created a short piece of theatre on flashbulb memory, and asked the audience why we remember certain dates and times from months and why we struggle to remember simple things such as what we had for breakfast last week....

We took video's during our trip ice skating today, and created some memerable moments. Like videoing the first person to fall over, the first person on the ice and a hotdog skating around the rink.

During our performance we asked the audience questions such as -
  • Can you remember where you were when Princess Diana died?
  • Can you remember where tou were and what you were doing on 11th September 2001?
  • Can you rembember what you were doing on 18th April 2003 (Irrelivant date for most of the audience)
We then question the audience about the events that happened at the ice rink:

  • Who was the first person on the ice?
  • Who was the first Actor on the ice?
  • What time was the group photo taken?
  • Who was the first to fall over?
  • What time did the hotdog come out on the ice?
  • Would you more likely remember a member of the class falling over, or the hotdog falling over and why?
We then showed the audience the footage that we had filmed to remind them of what happened this morning.

We feel that it could not necessarily be used in the show, but could be used before the show in the bar or such, and then question the audience at the end of the show or drop hints about what happened in the bae. We think that our performance could have been better by speaking more about the research we did, and we feel that we could have had better control over audience conversation, as it began to deviate away from the point at times.

We feel that prehaps instead of being ourselves, we could have performed it as one of us having the flashbulb memory instead of asking the audience about this mornings memeory.
We also think that it would have been a good test to ask these questions 3 months down the line and then see how much they all remembered without the footage, then show the footage and see what jolts their memory and why they think it would prehaps jolt their memory. So if we were to use this idea in the show, then we could maybe find some way to keep the audience interacting for some time after the show is finished, and send them an email or text asking what they remember, how well they remember it and why they remember it so well.

Ria, Brittany, Tyrone and Sophie :)

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