Thursday 24 February 2011

Production Meeting One

Production Meeting 1
Forgetting Tom

Due to this being an initial meeting we discussed the outline of the play and what the actors/designers had come up with so far.

The play is based in the brain observatory in San Diago, where Henry Gustav Molaison’s brain is kept.
Our show will be promenade, made up of a number of rooms created with softs etc. these rooms will consist of:
A lecture room (3D brain parts)
A maze room
A room where you hear two peoples memories then choose which one to enter
A room that shows how memories are collected (sound proofed?)
A room that contains memories of the theatre (photos of past productions and tutors etc)

It will be devised.

AV may be needed.

Josh needs to check the legalities of using you tube clips, texts and recorded speech.

Can everyone join the BLOG please, it s a great way to keep in contact and exchange ideas easily. Vanessa can give you the password so you can add to the blog or you can just comment. The web address for this is   -

They are rehearsing Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays rooms to be confirmed.

Can we find out about getting some donations for gift bags that will be given to the audience as they leave. These need to contain things that  involve memories, ie smelly things, brain sweets…

If people have any ideas about how we can draw the audience into people memories can they please post it on the blog. One example that was given was for a show where they gave everybody goggle which had films in them so they felt as though they were really there.

Audience capacity will be roughly 40-50 for the main part then they will be split into small groups and be taken to separate rooms.

Thank you,
Josh Attwood, Production Manager
Ruby Jack Cooper, Assistant Production Manager

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