Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Phineas Script

 Bear in mind this is still quite rough copy, but it should give you an idea of what's going on.

Hope this helps.

(Phineas is being inspected by a doctor right after the accident, telling bystanders what has just happened)

Phineas: So like i was saying, I had just packed the hole in the rock with the blast powder, fused it and was packing down the sand with my tamping iron and all of a sudden kablam! All I remeber at that point is a flash of light and thinking how much money it will cost to replace my custom bar, I know it sounds rediculous but hey, that's what I was thinking at the time. My nieghour made it for me you see 'coz all the ones they make here are awful, cost a pretty penny as well. (chuckles) I spose I should thank him really, maybe that's what saved my life!

Doctor: I'm sorry Mr.Gage, although your brain appears to be exposed, there is no way you'd still be alive if the pole had indeed entered your head. However we can operat....

Phineas: I'm telling the truth doc! The pole shot through my head, that's why it shot 80 feet away covered in my blood and brains! I know it seems inplausable but this is just one of those miricles that...

(Phineas vomits and a piece of his brain falls out. He beggins to become increasingly exausted, becomes disorientated and eventualy vomits. Also a piece of his prain falls to the floor.)

(Consisting of things showing: Attatchment to pole, comatosed, change in personality, flashbacks, obserdity, socking scenes, noticable change in tempo.


Curse the ones who did this. Damn them all the blood and puss spurting purgatory depths of hell! With everything I've been throough, they have no consideration to what I may be feeling after my traumatic ordeal. They have some real nerve letting me go, after years of loyal service as a foreman to the rail line; they dare sack me? The way they looked at me, the way they spoke to me, like I still had the bar through my head, I can't comprehend the disgusted feeling that came from them. Once my friends, have now turned on me...the souless traitors. Fine, I'm better off without them, it's their loss, I wasn't prepared to continue working with any cunting Irish pissheads at any rate, Id rather fuck my mother on her grave than associate with those them ever again.
I'll become a legend, a prophecy! Me and my tamping bar...we'll travel the world, showing everyone my amazing defience against the icy cold hand of death, as the man who survived the pole being shot through his open skull. They will know a deity.

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