Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Where are we in the devising process?
Final designs by next week mean we are nearing some final decisions.
What style of theatre are we creating so far?
Do we like the focus on science?
Do we keep the separate, fragmented spaces with Henry and the brain observatory the only through line?
Do we go back with all that we know and make one story? A story about memory, a memory thief? One memory seen through different perspectives? The scientific, the fairy tale, the different characters?
Is this henry' story much more? Is he searching for something?
Do we fragment the telling but not the tale?
Tomorrow we will try out a different approach of finding one story. As an experiment. For a morning.
To put our process in context read up about other companies' processes and compare. See suggested reading on unit brief.
WhAt theAtre do we want to Make? How do we engage the audience? In a story? In an experience? In a narrative? One person's journey or the story of a space?


  1. I thought on the subject of Henry, this was quite interesting, it has a passage in it that you could use as part of a narrative and some possible leads on finding extra texts to work from
    "Henry, Henry, Henry!


    Were you dreaming?


    What were you dreaming about?

    I was having an argument with myself...

    About what?

    What I could have been ... I dreamed of Pennsylvania. I dreamed of being a doctor. A brain surgeon. And it was all quick. Flashlike, being successful. And living down that way ... tall straight trees.

    My grandfather grew up in Pennsylvania, got his M.D. at U Penn."

    The rest of the article is available here

  2. all the pages are worth a skim, it feels more like a story than an article, and quite a few of the pages have dialogue on them, just hope it was helpful

  3. yes it's great best source i think. great article on henry. maybe we have new doctor looking at his brain, and then a memory of the old doctor that messed with it. will add to new post as a link.
